
Winter Tires Aren’t Just Nice-to-Have – They’re a Must, Even in Kelowna

Even here in Kelowna, with our relatively mild winters, a good set of winter tires is something everyone should have for their vehicle.

Winter tires and/or chains are mandatory from October 1 to April 30 for all major routes throughout the province. Here in the Okanagan Valley, it can be easy to think summer tires or all-seasons will get us through the relatively mild winter – afterall, there is hardly any snow on the roads through town for very long.

But a quick trip out of town and you’ll quickly find yourself in high mountain passes, where weather can change quickly and without notice – yes, even in early October. And when it does, you’ll want to be prepared for it.

Look for winter tires that have a snowflake symbol on them. These tires offer better traction in harsh winter conditions, and are specially designed for the conditions you may encounter driving through the Connector or along the Coquihalla.

Mud and Snow tires (with an M+S symbol) are not approved or appropriate for mountain passes, and we at Car Craft Auto highly recommend true winter tires – with the snowflake.

If you’re in need of new tires to keep you and your family safe, call us at (250) 860-7444 to ask about our wide selection of high quality tires. Often, we can install them for you within 24 hours.

Not only will the right tires keep you and your family safe, they’ll also help you avoid the $121 fine for not having proper tires in good condition. Police, ministry, and other enforcement officials are able to fine motorists with improper tires, and/or turn them away from certain routes.

Finally, don’t forget that not having winter tires may affect whether or not you are at fault in an accident.

Keep these other safe-driving tips in mind for the snowy months:

  • Drive slower than the speed limit. Limits are for ideal conditions, not snowy conditions
  • Give yourself extra space to brake or react
  • Check your tire pressure regularly, as air pressure drops in cooler weather
  • Always keep your washer fluid filled
  • Keep your gas tank full
  • Always check road and weather conditions before driving at DriveBC

For more questions about safe winter driving or to upgrade your tires before the snow really starts to fall, call us at (250) 860-7444 or book an appointment today.